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Manuals & SOPs

Operating Manuals and SOPs are available from BrandTech® Scientific for the most up-to-date operating and calibration information. Manuals include detailed product information and "exploded" diagrams to assist in the maintenance and service of BRAND and VACUUBRAND instruments. Product SOPs provide standards as well as describe both the design and calibration of BRAND liquid handling products.

Operating manuals provide detailed information on the use, maintenance, and repair of BRAND products. Select the product SOPs for detailed information on instrument calibration.

Operating manuals and SOPs may be acquired through postal mail, phone, or fax by calling BrandTech® Scientific Customer Service at 888-522-2726. Additionally, they may be downloaded from the menus below.

NOTE: IF you don't see your product in the lists below, call BrandTech® Scientific Customer Service for assistance at 888-522-2726.

Operating Manuals: